from Daily Kos Site [1]
Trump has made the statement "The country is going to hell in a hand basket." Let's look at the figures? See those little red stumps on the upper graph? That's Bush's Job growth. One is negative. Obama's much better. It's not as good as Clinton's or even Reagan's (see the graph, Clinton blue) but Obama had a much worse economic crisis that he inherited.
From Fact
Since President Barack Obama first took office:- The economy has added nearly 8.4 million jobs — more than six times the number gained under George W. Bush.
- The number of job openings doubled, to a record 5.7 million.
- Nearly 15 million fewer people lack health insurance coverage.
- Corporate profits are at record levels; stock prices have more than doubled.
- However, median household income was down 3 percent as of 2014, and the official poverty rate was 1.6 percentage points higher.
- The rate of home ownership has dropped to the lowest point in nearly half a century.
- The federal debt owed to the public has more than doubled — up 107 percent.[2]
Even a conservative publication such as the Economist says that "the president's record is a lot better than the woes of America's economy suggests." The article points out that Obama faced the most grim economic conditions since 1933, After detailing failure in comic growth and housing market for most of Obama's two terms only picking up late in second term the articles finds all economic recoveries are slow. This a far cry from hell in a hand basket. Since the article is not lauding him as stupendous or berating him for causing every sill since the great depression, it's probably a fairly objective appraisal. [3]
all sources accessed 2/26/16
[1] Jon Perr, "Obama Has Created Six Times As Many Jobs As Bush," Daily Kos Blog, July 6, 2015,
[2] Brooks Jackson, "Obama's Numbers (October, 2015)," Fact check .org, Posted on October 6, 2015 , blog URL
Trump's statement was that same month.
[3] Editor, "End of Term Report," The Economist, Sep 2012, online URL:
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